Managing electrical energy is performed through SmartHouse 2 product series of the company Dupline. Dupline is a member of the big italian group CarloGavazzi, having a great tradition in automation since 1931.

One of the main features of Dupline solutions is absolute reliability, which is especially important when controlling electrical devices of any type (lights, roller blinds, awnings, etc.). There are also other important features: They support all series of switches. They are not affected by powerline noise. They do not need separate conduit for control (thus holding costs). They are based on cable types that installers are familiar with but not on the powerline wires themselves. This way they avoid interference issues appearing in solutions based on other brands. Moreover, Dupline products can be connected to one another through two wires at very big distances (up to 10 kilometres) through any topology (loops, trees, just like earth wires).


The latest technological evolution in Dupline solutions is SmartHouse 2 series of products. The basic materials involved in a solution based on this series are:

  • Master unit: it is the “brain” of an electrical energy management system, which maintains all the details for the rest of the materials, e.g., whether a light will be in definitely on or will be set to off after a time limit, whether a group of roller blinds will be able to synchronize themselves during moving up or down, what is the sequence that some functions with lights will be performed.
  • Dupline bus generator: it is the “heart” of an electrical energy management system. It maintains an electrical signal so that all the rest Dupline materials are synchronized, controlled, and communicate. In other words, it makes all the information flow.
  • Units putting lights on or off
  • Mini-relays controlling higher power devices
  • Dimmers: They regulate light intensity and can cooperate in lighting scenarios with predefined lighting levels
  • Motor control units (for roller blinds, awnings, etc.): They allow for moving roller blinds upwards or downwards, regulate the tilt of Venetian blinds, define time limits for roller blinds, protect motors from random or intentional successive commands to move up or down by imposing a small time delay
  • Couplers: They are tiny electronic parts to accept commands through push buttons in order to turn lights on, dim lights, move roller blinds up or down, etc.



  Home automation with Smart House






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